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Blog High-Density Ethylene-vinyl acetate Foam Blocks: Properties and Applications

High-Density Ethylene-vinyl acetate Foam Blocks: Properties and Applications

Summary: Density and Grades of EVA Foam Blocks Foam blocks are widely used in construction and packaging applications, with density playing a crucial role in their physical properties and performance. Expanded polystyrene (EPS) blocks are typically produced in densities ranging from 0.7 to 3 pounds per cubic foot (pcf), catering to different needs. Higher densities are available for specialized applications. Factors affecting foam block density include the manufacturing process, raw material composition, and expansion ratio. The density of foam blocks significantly impacts thermal performance, structural strength, and impact resistance. EVA foam comes in different grades (A, B, and C) based on quality. Grade A offers the highest color brightness, smoothness, elasticity, and flexibility, making it ideal for demanding projects. Grade B is suitable for less critical applications, while Grade C is the most economical option.

Table of Contents

Density of Foam Blocks

Foam blocks, commonly used in construction and packaging applications, exhibit a wide range of densities. These densities influence their physical properties and performance characteristics.

Density of Expanded Polystyrene Blocks:

Expanded polystyrene (EPS) blocks are typically produced in densities ranging from:

  1. 0.7 pounds per cubic foot (pcf) – Suitable for low-load applications like packaging materials.
  2. 1.5 pcf – Ideal for general construction purposes, offering good insulation and structural integrity.
  3. 3 pounds per cubic foot (pcf) – Best for applications where higher strength and stiffness are required.

Higher Densities for Special Applications:

While the standard EPS block densities mentioned above are widely used, higher densities are available for specific applications. These include:

  • Structural foam: Densities ranging from 4-8 pcf are used for structural applications, providing good strength 2 color eva foam and rigidity.
  • Rigid insulation: Densities above 8 pcf are used for enhanced thermal insulation, commonly in walls and roofs.

Factors Affecting Foam Block Density:

The density of foam blocks can be influenced by several factors, including:

  • Manufacturing process: Different manufacturing processes can yield foam blocks with varying densities.
  • Raw material composition: The type and proportion of raw materials used in the manufacturing process can impact the density.
  • Expansion ratio: The degree of expansion during the manufacturing process affects the final density of the foam blocks.

Significance of Foam Block Density:

The density of foam blocks is crucial as it determines their:

  • Thermal performance: Higher density blocks offer better thermal insulation.
  • Structural strength: More dense blocks are stronger and more rigid.
  • Impact resistance: Denser blocks can withstand greater impacts and are less likely to damage easily.

Does EVA Foam Contain Formaldehyde?

EVA foam, a widely used material in various applications, has been the subject of debates regarding its potential health risks. One common concern associated with EVA foam is the presence of formaldehyde.

Formaldehyde-Free Promise

Fortunately, Ideastep EVA foam mats are entirely formaldehyde-free. We prioritize the health and safety of our customers and adhere to stringent quality standards to ensure that our mats are safe for both adults and children.

Historical Concerns and Bans

In 2010, France and Belgium temporarily banned EVA foam mats due to alleged concerns over formaldehyde emissions. However, these bans were later lifted in 2011 following further research and clarification on the safety of EVA foam.

Scientific Evidence and Regulations

Formaldehyde is a volatile organic compound (VOC) commonly found in various materials, including wood products and building materials. While formaldehyde exposure can be harmful, scientific evidence has shown that EVA foam mats emit negligible amounts of formaldehyde.

Ideastep’s Commitment to Transparency

Ideastep believes in open communication and transparency regarding the safety of our products. We encourage customers to reach out to us if they have any questions or concerns regarding the composition of our EVA foam mats.


Ideastep EVA foam mats are formaldehyde-free and safe for use in homes and other indoor environments. Our commitment to quality and safety ensures that you can trust Ideastep products for your peace of mind.

Yes, EVA does contain formaldehyde in its manufacturing process. However, Wonder mats are formaldehyde-free.

Concerns about formaldehyde in EVA mats arose in 2010 when France and Belgium issued a ban on EVA foam mats due to suspected formaldehyde emissions. This ban was later reversed in 2011.

Country Ban Date Reason
France 2010 Suspected formaldehyde emissions
Belgium 2010 Suspected formaldehyde emissions
France 2011 Ban lifted
Belgium 2011 Ban lifted

Note: While EVA foam mats may emit formaldehyde, Wonder mats have addressed this concern and are now formaldehyde-free.

Different Grades of EVA Foam

EVA foam, a lightweight and versatile material widely used in various applications, is categorized into different grades based on its quality. These grades are denoted by A, B, and C, with each offering unique characteristics that influence their performance.

1. Grade A:

Grade A EVA foam boasts the highest quality. Its distinct features include:

  • Brighter color compared to other grades
  • Smooth surface with minimal bubbles
  • Excellent elasticity, providing superior rebound and flexibility

2. Grade B:

Grade B foam is typically manufactured from recycled plastic materials. While it still offers a smooth surface, it exhibits:

  • More bubbles than Grade A
  • Slightly reduced elasticity

3. Grade C:

Grade C EVA foam is the most economical option. It features:

  • Lower color brightness
  • More prominent bubbles on the surface
  • Reduced elasticity and flexibility

Factors Influencing EVA Foam Grades:

The quality of EVA foam is influenced by several factors, including:

  • Material composition: The proportion of virgin and recycled plastic used in manufacturing.
  • Manufacturing process: The temperature and pressure used during production impact bubble formation and color.
  • Additives: Different additives are used to enhance specific properties like elasticity and UV resistance.

Applications of EVA Foam Grades:

The diverse grades of EVA foam cater to various applications. Grade A is ideal for demanding projects requiring high elasticity and color consistency. Grade B is suitable for less critical applications where cost is a significant factor. Grade C finds application in lower-grade products where color and flexibility are less crucial.


Q1: What is the typical density range of EPS blocks?

A: EPS blocks are typically produced in densities ranging from 0.7 to 3 pounds per cubic foot (pcf).

Q2: What factors influence the density of foam blocks?

A: The density of foam blocks is influenced by manufacturing process, raw material composition, and expansion ratio.

Q3: How does density affect the thermal performance of foam blocks?

A: Higher density foam blocks offer better thermal insulation.

Q4: How does density impact the structural strength of foam blocks?

A: More dense foam blocks are stronger and more rigid.

Q5: What is the significance of EVA foam grades?

A: EVA foam comes in different grades (A, B, and C) based on color brightness, smoothness, elasticity, and flexibility.

Q6: Which grade of EVA foam is best for demanding projects?

A: Grade A offers the highest quality, with excellent elasticity and color consistency.

Q7: What is the primary concern regarding EVA foam?

A: Historically, concerns about formaldehyde emissions from EVA foam have been raised, but newer generations of EVA foam are now formaldehyde-free.